Terms and Conditions

1.1 One-time Registration Fees: $50 (include GST, non-refundable)
1.2 Deposit Fee: $100 (refundable subject to withdrawal and refund policy below)
1.3 Applicable Course Fee (per term) (include GST, non-refundable) (Course fee will be prorated for new students joining after the beginning of a Term)
1.4 Material Fee (per term): $10 (include GST, non-refundable) - (Material Fee will be waived for new students joining when there are 4 or fewer lessons left in the Term)
2.1 Payment may be made through:
2.1.1 PayNow at the student portal (preferred)
2.1.2 NETS in person at the relevant branch
2.1.3 Static PayNow (manual inputs required)
2.1.4 Cheque, to be crossed and made payable to "Wang Learning Centre Pte Ltd"
2.2 Subsequent Course Fees and Material Fees shall be paid by the due date stipulated in the invoices.
2.3 If any fee is not fully paid by the due date, the Centre reserves the right to terminate the student's enrollment and pursue full payment along with late-payment interests, administrative fees and any legal costs incurred Fees are non-transferable and cannot be credited to another student.
2.4 The Centre reserves the right to revise its fees from time to time.
3.1 Please send in the withdrawal notice at least 4 weeks from the last lesson of the Term for students who wish to withdraw.
3.2 The Deposit Fee of $100 will be refunded if the withdrawal notice is received at least 4 weeks before the last lesson of the Term.
3.3 Course Fees are non-refundable as withdrawal is only allowed at the end of the Term.
4.1 Absentee may arrange for a make-up lesson within the same week as the missed lesson (i.e., Tuesday to Sunday), subject to available slots.
4.2 There will be no one-to-one make-up lesson and no refund if no suitable make-up lesson can be arranged.
4.3 Absentee may collect the worksheet for the missed lesson in the case no suitable make-up lesson can be arranged.
5.1 Only one set of worksheets and materials will be given to each student.
5.2 Replacement of loss or damaged materials is subject to the Centre's sole discretion. Frequent requests for replacement of lost or damaged materials will not be entertained.
5.3 Copyright in the curriculum, lessons, worksheets and materials provided (whether physical, online or in any other forms) as well as students' works belong solely to “Wang Learning Centre Pte Ltd” and are not to be shared with or sold to any other person.
5.4 The Centre shall have the right to display or use any student's work as it deems fit.
5.5 The Center reserves the right to take such action as it may deem necessary, including legal proceedings, against any person(s) who infringes or threatens to infringe its copyright or other intellectual property rights.
6.1 The Centre will be closed and there will be no classes on Mondays (Mondays and Tuesdays for Marine Parade Branch) and term breaks determined by the Centre.
6.2 Kindly make the necessary arrangement if you are unable to pick up your child/ ward in time. We regret that the Centre is unable to look after the students after their classes and will not be held responsible for your child/ward or their safety after lessons are over.
6.3 The Centre reserves the right to change its timetable, teachers, class format or venue according to its curriculum and circumstances.
7.1 The Centre will need to collect personal data and information to facilitate the provision of services by the Centre to you and your child/ward. The Centre will collect, use, disclose and/or process your and your child/ward’s personal data for one or more of the following purposes:
7.1.1 Facilitating your child/ward’s enrolment and registration with the Centre.
7.1.2 Facilitating the conduct of the courses that your child/ward is enrolled in, such as administering course work and assessments, as well as tracking and managing course attendance and academic performance.
7.1.3 Administering and processing any payments, fee adjustments, refunds related to any courses offered by the Centre.
7.1.4 Sharing your personal data with financial institutions for the purpose of processing payment instructions (if necessary).
7.1.5 Communicating with you via e-mail or telephone or other modes of communication that you have informed us to use.
7.1.6 Responding to any of your enquiries, requests or complaints and resolving any issues or disputes which may arise from your relationship with the Centre.
7.1.7 Maintaining and updating the Centre’s parent and student records.
7.1.8 Security purposes, such keeping CCTV recordings of the Centre’s premises.
7.1.9 Contacting you in the event of an emergency.
7.1.10 Advertising or promotional activities including circulating and/or publishing photos or videos of you and your child/ward on our website and social media.
7.1.11 Storing, hosting, backing up (whether for disaster recovery or otherwise) of your and your child/ward’s personal data, whether within or outside Singapore.
7.1.12 Complying with or as required by any request or direction of any governmental authority, or responding to requests for information from public agencies, ministries, statutory boards, or other similar authorities. For the avoidance of doubt, this means that we may/will disclose your personal data to the aforementioned parties upon their request or direction.
7.2 The Centre may disclose your and/or your child/ward's personal data to its affiliates, professional advisors, third party service providers, agents or contractors (which may be located outside of Singapore) for one or more of the above-mentioned purposes.
7.3 By enrolling your child/ward, you confirm that you and your child/ward consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your and/or your child/ward's personal data for the purpose stated above and in accordance with the Personal Data Policy (available at [website]) and that relevant data may be transferred outside Singapore.
7.4 Please update the Centre on any changes to your and your child/ward’s contact details for us to contact you in the event of emergencies.
7.5 If you wish to withdraw your consent, please approach our data protection officer at Please note, however, if you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to continue to provide any services to you or your child/ward.
The Centre reserves the right to terminate your child's/ward's enrolment with the Centre if you or your child/ward: -
8.1 engages in disrespectful or abusive behavior, uses violence (or threatens to use violence), or in any way, interrupts the conduct of the class(es);
8.2 infringes the Centre’s trademark or copyright in the worksheets and materials; or
8.3 fails to make full payment of any fees by the due date.
The Centre reserves the right to vary any terms. The latest terms and conditions can be found at the Student Portal and at the bottom of our website. Continued enrolment will be deemed as acceptance of the prevailing terms and conditions.

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